
Will crisis caused by coronavirus impact the Cyprus Investment Programme?

Will crisis caused by coronavirus impact the Cyprus Investment Programme?

Recent criticism from the EU regarding the acquisition of Cypriot citizenship through investment has been duly noted by the government, however, according to the Minister of the Interior, Nikos Nouris, Cyprus has no intention of ending this program.

Moreover, the government decided to expedite the processing of pending applications for a Cypriot passport. 700 applications have not yet been processed by the ministry. Accelerating the process of granting Cypriot citizenship through investment is one of the planned changes in the program, which, according to the government, will give the necessary impetus to the economy battling the crisis situation caused by coronovirus. Since 2013, CIP has brought about 6.6 billion euros to the island's treasury.

Please note, that applications for CIP may be submitted on behalf of the applicants only by registered members of the Registry of Service Providers.

Vizus Group is an accredited provider of CIP.